This is a Singapore Telecom Announcement...
Hey ppl, there's a GP lesson this Sat at LT 1, 9am.
victoria thy sons are we * 05S19
update: added kashing's blog link in the template.
Hey peepz, it's me again. Got information from Liwei that Stanley's flight would be on Sat 25 June ya. Time is 16 10 and flight number is sq20...I know it's very close to the mid years but I hope you all can take some time off to relax and sorta send Stanley off yep...
Hey peepz, just returned from Sri Lanka not too long ago ya. Main thing is Stanley leaving soon ya...I heard he was leaving on 20 June so if anyone knows his actual departure time and stuff pls let everyone know ya...and I'm suggesting we wear VJ pe shirt to send him off or something yepz. Best is if our class tee can be finished up by then. We should be getting Mr Lim to come too, if that's possible btw. For the present I'm suggesting each person write a short note and put the notes into a bottle or something. Pls put forward any suggestions if any.
AAAHHH... red alert (like real). One week down, looks like I wasted me one week doing absolutely nothing. What a waste~ So boring....
Mingyong: let's confirm the topics tested :)